Bristal Medical Center

Currently we are going through winter weather. During this period “seasonal flu” is very common and may affect any member in family. Here we recommend few health tips to avoid getting flu infection.
  1. Its responsibility of everyone to prevent spread of common cold infection. One should cover his / her sneeze or cough in tissue paper or kerchief …or if nothing is available, in sleeves of arm or his/her own hands.  Wash your hands immediately with soap and water. Hand hygiene is very important in preventing many infections.
  2. Don’t cough or sneeze in open air. Doing so will spread myriads of virus particles in air …which if inhaled by any susceptible person or child /infant may lead to infection in them.
  3. Do not expose young infants /children to infected / overcrowded areas.
  4. vaccinate your ward  against  flu virus  “be wise immunize
  5. Consult pediatrician if your ward gets any of symptoms of flu like sneezing, runny nose, cough, watering from eyes, fever.