Bacterial Pneumonia usually presents with following signs and symptoms
It can be either productive cough or dry cough depending upon the bugs that caused pneumonia in the first place. The interstitial pneumonia caused usually by atypical organisms like Peumocystis, viruses, mycoplasma and sometimes often legionella results in dry cough.
The quality and degree of sputum production tells us what maybe the cause of pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella and Haemophilus have significant purulent sputum production.
Strept pneumoniae: Rusty colored sputum ( gets its color from oxidation of blood)
Klebsiella: Currant Jelly sputum, has a mucoid characteristic (from the thick mucoplysaccharide coating of the bacteria)
Usually worsens with taking deep breath and most of the time associated with lobar pneumonia from strep pneumoniae.
Mycoplasma: Dry cough, chest soreness, Anemia (hemolysis from cold agglutinin)
Legionella: Confusion, headache, lethargy, diarrhea and abdominal pain
Peumocystis: Marked breathlessness, and cough. Usually in HIV positive patients with CD4 count less that 200/uL.
Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, bacteria like organisms, viruses and fungi. Most common cause of Pneumonia is bacteria especially Streptococcus Pneumoniae which is the number one cause of pneumonia in all age groups expect for children less than 5 years where virus is the most common cause of pneumonia.
The typical agents responsible for pneumonia are strept pneumoniae, haemophilus and moraxella.
The atypical agents like Legionella, mycoplasma and chlamydia can cause pneumonia as well.
Other than that virus are responsible for mild pneumonia. Some influenza virus may case serious type of pneumonia known as SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome) which can be fatal at times.
It is important to know that you can get exposed to these germs in certain predisposing conditions. The history of your work, travel and recent contact may be important in knowing the type of germs causing pneumonia. I have illustrated few examples below.
Treatment of Pneumonia depends on two major factors:
Mild pneumonia can be treated without admitting the patient, however if the disease is sever the patient has to be admitted to undergo treatment. There are major determinants of severity. Read signs & symptoms of pneumonia to understand better.
Degree of hypoxia (Deprivation of oxygen supply)- If the partial pressure of oxygen is less than 60 mm of HG, oxygen saturation is below 94 percent on room air, respiratory rate above 30/minute, confusion or disorientation, uremia (building up of nitrogenous waste in the body due to renal failure caused by hypoxia in this case).
Hypotension– Systolic below 90 and diastolic below 60 mm of HG
Other markers of severity:
High fever, hypothermia, leucopenia (decrease in WBC) , usually less than 4000/ cubic mm, rapid pulse >125/min, hyponatremia (decrease in sodium content of the body), dehydration.
Patients with serious underlying illness are also needed to be hospitalized. These co-morbid conditions include cancer, renal disease, liver disease or chronic lung disease.
Antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia. The specific causative germ or bacteria is not known at the time of the start of the treatment, so treatment is started with emperical therapy.
If the there is no need to admit the patient the antibiotic of choice for “Outpatient Community Acquired Pneumonia” is Macrolides (Azithromycin or Clarithromycin)
New Flouroquinolones (levofloxacin or gatifloxacin)can also be used and are generally second line drug of choice.
Macrolides or New flouroquinolones
Since mild cases of community acquired pneumonia are usually mycoplasma and chlamydia pneumoniae we do not use 2nd and 3rd gen cephalosporis as they do not cover all the atypical agents.
Hospitalized patients are usually treated with new fluoroquinolones or 2nd or 3rd generation cephalosporins (cefuroxime or ceftriaxone) combined with a macrolide or doxcycline
New Fluoroquinolones or 2nd-3rd gen cephalosporins +Macrolide / Doxycycline
Some patients might develop pneumonia while there stay in hospital usually after 48 hours of stay. Main causes of hospital acquired pneumonia are
1-Gram negative bacilli (Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, E.coli)
2-Gram positive bacilli (Methicillin resistant Staph Aureus)- MRSA
The empirical therapy is done usually with 3rd generation cephalosporins with anipseudomonal activity (Ceftazidime or cefotaxime) or carbepenems (imipenem) or beta lactam/beta lactamase inhibitor combination (piperacillin/tazobactam) with coverage of MRSA by Vancomycin or linezolid.
3gen cephalosporin/carbepenem/b-lactam,lactamase inhibitor + Vancomycin
Aminoglycosides like amikacin, gentamycin is added to prevent drug resistance, synergistic effect and to make better gram negative coverage.
Once the result of sputum culture or bronchoalveolar lavage or pleural fluid culture is out, we can adjust the antibiotics accordingly. Read diagnosing pneumonia for better understanding.
1-Pneumocystis: Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMZ). Steroids should be used if the infection is severe (arterial PO2 is less than 70mmof HG or A-a gradient is greater than 35 mm of HG). If patient is allergic to TMP/SMZ, I.V pentamidine or atovaquone can be used. Dapsone or atovaquone can be used prophylactically.
2- Coxiella Brunetti (Q-Fever)- usually treated with doxycycline or erythromycin as an alternative.
3-Coccidioidomycoses- no need for treatment for primary pulmonary disease. Treatment is required only for disseminated disease or if the patient is immunocompromised. Life threatening disease is treated with amphotericin while milder form is treated with fluconazole or itraconazole.
Those patients who are at risk for pneumonia should receive pneumococcal vaccine.
Pneumococaal vaccine is used to prevent disease caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae, which includes disease of blood (septicemia) brain (meningitis) and Lungs (Pneumonia). Pneumococcal vaccines are generally of two types:
It usually given to age groups between 19 and 64 years old with medical conditions or risk factors like:
Booster shot is given after 5 years
All patients older than 65 years without any contraindication to the vaccine or if its more than 5 years since they received there last dose. Booster dose is given after 5 years
PCV 13 is recommended for adults more than 19 years old with medical condition like asplenia (non functional spleen) splenectomy (spleen has been removed), Sickle cell anemia, CSF leaks or any type of implants in ear, especially cochlear implants.
If doctor recommends both vaccine, usually PCV 13 is given first followed by PPSV23 after two months. If the patient has already taken PPSV 23 shot and needs PCV 13 there should be a gap of at least one year
Life threatening allergy to the vaccine
Allergic reaction to any of the components of the vaccine
Moderately or severely Ill : Might have to wait until you recover.
Pneumococcal Vaccine can be given if you have mild fever or cold
Pregnancy: Pregnant women should get vaccinated only if they need it. There is no data that shows that the vaccine is safe in pregnancy but mother who received shots of pneumococcal vaccine early in pregnancy not knowing that they were pregnant did not caused any harm to the baby
1-Mild redness and swelling at the place where shot was given
2-Mild Fever, Marked swelling and redness at the site of vaccination, body ache and weakness (Only in 1% of cases)
3-Allergic reaction to Pneumococcal Vaccine: This could be life threatening and you should immediately seek medical attention as soon as you notice any of the following signs and symptoms of allergic reaction: