Seasonal flu: Guide to Parents in UAE

Currently we are going through winter weather. During this period “seasonal flu” is very common and may affect any member in family. Here we recommend few health tips to avoid getting flu infection.
Peptic Stomach Ulcer Disease

Basically, peptic ulcer disease is a pathological condition with formation of ulcers either in stomach or in duodenum. Duodenal ulcers are 4 times more common than gastric [stomach] ulcers.
Flu Vaccine Cost in UAE

Flu Vaccine Cost in UAE Bristol January 10, 2024 Blogs Flu vaccine cost in UAE varies from 100 AED to 300 AED. Such huge variation in price is based on the fact that where are you getting yourself vaccinated. Flu or Influenza vaccine is annual vaccine which can be given to everyone aged 6 months […]
Pneumonia : symptoms, causes, treatment & vaccine

Pneumonia : symptoms, causes, treatment & vaccine Bristol January 10, 2024 Blogs It is a comprehensive article where we will learn symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and vaccines for pneumonia. Pneumonia is a infectious condition which can cause cough, chest pain and high grade fever. Signs & Symptoms of Pneumonia Bacterial Pneumonia usually presents with following […]
Umrah Vaccination in Sharjah

Taking preventive methods to avoid health problems during Umrah & Hajj is very important as millions Muslims from all parts of the world come and gather to perform Hajj & Umrah.
Chest Pain

Chest Pain Bristol January 10, 2024 Blogs Chest pain is one of the most common problems for which patients visit clinics and hospitals in Sharjah, Dubai, UAE. Patients with chest pain may have may have an underlying cause which is very simple in nature can be treated by painkillers but the reason for chest pain […]
Important Tests for Chest Pain

Chest Pain should be investigated properly to exclude any life threatening underlying disorder. In this article will cover tests your doctor should run to evaluate chest pain.
Eating Disorder Men

Eating Disorder Men Bristol January 6, 2024 Blogs Eating disorder effects men as well. But being largely associated with females, men with eating disorder are not only under-diagnosed but also under-treated. Recent study conducted by National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), estimated that 10-15% of Americans with eating disorders are male. Men […]
Causes of chest pain

Causes of chest pain Bristol January 6, 2024 Blogs Chest Pain can be caused by many underlying disorder which can be very simple like some gastric trouble to life threatening like angina or aortic dissection. Every patient with chest pain should be treated with utmost care and all possible investigation should be done to exclude […]
Pain or Difficulty in swallowing

Pain or Difficulty in swallowing Bristol January 4, 2024 Blogs Generally almost all of the diseases or disorders of esophagus results in either pain while swallowing (odynophagia) or difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia). Difficulty while swallowing is more common than pain while swallowing. Difficulty while swallowing might be for type of food like solids, semi solids […]